Year: 2021 | Month: August | Volume 12 | Issue 2

Status and Issues of Digital Literacy of Secondary School Teachers

Abhaya Parida Swatirasmi Rout


Digital devices and applications are widely using by the schools . Various committees and commissions have also emphasized to use digital technologies in educational field. Nep 2020, NCTE regulation 2014 has also emphasized on digital literacy and applications of ICT in the teaching learning process. Government of India has launched the various programmes like digital India campaign, e-pathshala, NROER, Swayam, Swayamprava, NDL India etc. For facilitating he use of ICT in education sector. The present study is intended to find out the status and issues of digital literacy of secondary school teachers in Odisha. For conducting the study descriptive survey method was used over 40 secondary school teachers in Odisha whose were selected through purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through a self developed questionnaire and collected by the help of google form and telephonic interview. The collected data were analyzed by using frequency and percentage and accordingly conclusions were drawn. The study found that majority of teachers can change screen brightness and contrast, minimize, maximize and move window screen, use search command to locate a file and download and install applications in their devices. Most of them are aware about computer hardware devices and able to operate those. They are using digital technologies for searching, sharing and collecting data for educational practices. Google meet is popularly used as online teaching application. They suggested to improve the situation by providing in-service training programs, appointing sufficient computer teachers and providing sufficient infrastructure for digital learning.

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